SIREHNA is active in naval systems expertise and aims, in both civil and military fields, to be :

  • The expert in the dynamics of naval platforms in operations;
  • A producer and integrator of autonomous surface UAVs;
  • A provider of intelligent maritime surveillance solutions.

The ambition of SIREHNA, a 100% Naval Group subsidiary, is clearly in line with the Group's strategy.

To achieve its ambition, SIREHNA deploys a quality policy based on a Management System founded on the principle of obtaining the satisfaction of our customers and interested parties, and the continuous improvement of our performance, through that of our processes, in compliance with the ISO 9001: 2015 standard.


To support SIREHNA's strategy, the following progress plan has been defined:

  • Guarantee the proper application of the Quality benchmark by stepping up internal audits, providing support and raising awareness among employees and implementing a Quality roadmap;
  • Increase the maturity of process-based management, by monitoring performance indicators in line with strategy;
  • Improving customer focus;
  • Modernising IT tools and HR, purchasing and business management tools;
  • Improving control of our technical risks by consolidating our NTR based on the business divisions and departments that underpin Sirehna's expertise.


SIREHNA is committed to a Quality Management approach, to ensure maximum customer satisfaction.

Thanks to the expertise and rigour of its teams, SIREHNA has been ISO 9001 certified since 2012. For customers, this certification is a real guarantee of the organisational quality of the products and services offered.

This approach is supported by a strong commitment on the part of management to the continuous improvement of its activities and customer satisfaction.



To ensure the safety of maritime operations

After some 40 years of continuous development, SIREHNA has gone from being a start-up to an SME. up to an SME, having built up an agile and innovative industrial capability to serve its civil and military customers in the maritime sector.

For Naval Group, SIREHNA ensures the maintenance of strategic skills, the development of technological building blocks and systems, as well as exploring new markets and fields of application. of application


In addition to the legal and regulatory requirements that we meet, we take care to protect the health and safety of all interested parties: employees, subcontractors, partners, visitors, etc., as well as the marine and maritime environment that is at the heart of these activities.

Management is committed to communicating this policy and providing the human and material resources needed to ensure its implementation. The quality manager is responsible for leading and monitoring the implementation of the quality management system.


SIREHNA is committed to promoting a culture of integrity. Our anti-corruption policy reflects this commitment. Its creation and deployment is aimed at SIREHNA employees, our controlled companies and all our stakeholders. It fully complies with the applicable laws and regulations (in particular the French “Sapin II” law dated 9 December 2016, relating to transparency, anti-corruption and economic modernisation).

SIREHNA identifies, analyses and prioritises the risks of corruption that the company is exposed to by mapping these risks as well as those of influence peddling. This mapping is updated regularly with lessons learned as well as changes in the company’s business environment. An action plan has been drawn up for each of the risks identified, aimed at reducing their effects.

This mapping also helps identify the SIREHNA employees (both in France and abroad) and stakeholders who are most exposed to these risks, and provide them training on the subject.